Areas of Practice
- Vermont DUI, DWI
- Drug Charges
- Simple Assault
- Vermont Fish and Game Violations
- and all other violations of State Law
- Federal Cases including Federal Drug and Weapons charges.
Unlike most criminal law practitioners, we can and do deliver “cradle to grave” criminal defense representation. We are available to speak with and advise you if you have reason to believe the police are looking for you or investigating you; if that is the case, you should definitely seek the advice of an attorney – that conversation is privileged and the police and prosecutor do not need to know you are seeking or have sought legal advice. If you are arrested or cited to appear in court for an arraignment, we can advise you at that point – before you actually get to court – as well.
Who We Represent
Of course we represent accused individuals at all stages of trial court proceedings, from the beginning – usually an arraignment – through resolution of the case, whether that be a trial, a plea agreement and/or a sentencing hearing. We are also willing and able to represent individuals who are appealing a conviction or sentence.
Post Conviction Relief
Unlike most criminal defense lawyers, if you have been sentenced and lost your appeal and are serving a sentence – whether on probation, in jail, or on furlough or parole, we can and routinely do represent individuals seeking Post Conviction Relief or a writ of Habeas Corpus in civil court.
There are also circumstances in which one may need representation when not even accused – for example someone who has been summoned to testify before a grand jury or at an inquest.